SkillHelp Press Release


Project Outline

The “Support for Development of Social Workers’ Skills” [SkillHelp] project is a European action implemented under Erasmus+ framework and particularly under KA2 Strategic partnerships call for social workers and their education institutions, with online tools that allow them to develop their soft skills.

The project has been funded by the Polish National Agency (agreement no. 2020-1-PL01- KA220-ADUCF939ACF) and coordinated by the Polish association “Euro-Lider”. The consortium is completed by other five European organisations:

The project duration is two years, having been launched on February 1st, 2022.

Project Objectives

The SkillHelp project aims to increase the level of soft skills of employees in the area of social assistance and the empowerment of social workers, emphasizing the emotional and psychological aspects of the services they provide and strengthening the relationship between the social worker and his client and improve the well-being of social workers. In order to implement that goal, the project has set to develop three Intellectual Outputs:

  • Diagnostic Tool for the Assessment of Soft Skills (IO1)
  • E-learning platform fostering soft skills improvement (IO2)
  • Online course empowering social workers (IO3)

Target groups

  • Personnel of social welfare centres, psychologists, therapists, mediators, curators
  • Regional centres of social policy, family support centres, NGOs, centres for social integration
  • Crisis intervention centres, social welfare homes and other social assistance units units
  • People involved in counseling and care of those at risk of social exclusion
  • People responsible for HR policy, stakeholders, decision-makers in the field of social work
  • Adult education providers in the sector of social help and social work
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